For PM positions:
- SSRI and PAAS have the best momentum, but a little over bought. So I'll consider to sell if there is a big run again this week. But will hold them if the move is not huge. Remember, PM is volatile too, it goes up quick and goes down quick, I'll give them room to run its course.
- AEM and GG are starting to move up, so I'll hold them and add if there is pullback.
- ABX and NEM. I'll continue to hold, won't add since I think GG and AEM are better PM stocks than ABX and NEM. May consider to switch to GDX.
- GLD and SLV. I'll continue to hold, and may change them to GDX later.
- ^HUI indicates we maybe in another major up trend, so the game plan is to hold GDX and add on weakness.
- Should consolidate PM position to one big GDX position, plus PAAS, SSRI, AEM and GG.
Tech positions:
- QID. Continue to add. The more I read the market and charts, the more convinced I am that it's the start of the down trend. Hold and add on weakness.
- RIMM. Buy Jan. 08 put is a good way to play this volatile stock. It may have a few strong bounce left, I don't see it last to the end of the year. As a matter of fact, once iPhone is released in June, we should see great pressure on RIMM to cut price to compete. This is a better play than QID. I'll add aggressively if there is big bounce in RIMM.
- ORCL. Consider to reduce or sell all if Nasdaq starts to turn.
Uranium play:
- Consider to add CCJ. Small position at a time. This is long term play of uranium. It can easily double or triple in the next 5 years.
- FRG. A speculative play in uranium and gold. Consider to add. It can easily double or triple in the next 2 to 3 years.
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