Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Added APC and UNG

Considering the recent drop in NG, and hurricane is on the corner, I decided to add back NG stocks in APC and added UNG today. I may sell XTO and CHK too early. Yesterday if I bought XTO and CHK, then I am a genius.
But get a chart of 2005, I found natural gas moved up (compared to oil) the most during the busy hurricane year, therefore, it's relatively cheaper to add NG related stocks now.
I chose APC over XTO and CHK for the reason that it has more reserves and it announced a $5B buyback (that's almost 18% of the stocks). APC is 25% off high, vs 31% and 33% for XTO and CHK respectively, this, actually, indicates the strength of APC over XTO and CHK. UNG is almost 40% off high.