Obama won the election! This proves that in United States, any person can do it! We are the best in the world! As a naturalized citizen, I am proud to be an American!
Back to stock market, I think the rally out of the Obama victory will fade, and we are back to reality in the market soon.
As a result, I sold some covered calls against my MOS and KOL. This is to add downside protection, and if it rise too fast too soon, I will be glad they're called away.
I sold covered MOS Nov. 45 call and KOL Nov. 21 call today.
Sold some speculative play in DRYS and ING I picked up last week for very decent gain today, small positions though. Too bad I didn't add big positions, since I was burned too many times recently, in MS,WM and WF.
I'll consider to sell some OTM puts.
Short term, we may see a pull back after this rally fades.
In a few months, I see a range consolidation, before we break one way or the other.
Long term, we'll find out if the Oct. bottom is the bottom, or just a bottom in a bear market.