- Only one trade this year so far, sold SRS Feb 45 put at 4.7 yesterday.
- Reason is I found the information that there was a SRS Jan 65 call block trade of 5000 yesterday. Today SRS is up almost 9%.
- I have SRS (sold Dec 70 put and got assigned), and another Jan 75 put will likely be assigned, now SRS is 59. The cost of that SRS is not too bad, I sold the put for $10.5, plus the $4.5 I'll receive (SRS's distribution), make the cost of SRS at 60.
- Again, I will likely to use selling of OTM put as ways to reduce risk in the future.
- For the week, S&P is down about 5%.
- Amazingly, I did well for the first week of the year, DXD, TWM, SRS, MZZ are all up due to a down week. My long holdings POT and MOS are up, MEE flat.
- I'll continue to play short ETFs for short term, and use POT and MOS as a balance to play the upside, if there is one.
Friday, January 9, 2009
First trade of the year
Since I was burned lot of times last year, with longs and shorts, I decided to go slow this year.
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