- I sold TNA in all except ET. Even ET was reduced from 7 to 5 positions.
- Sold BAC calls at great profits; and closed TNA puts. Both are good.
- Now I got second chance, and I need to use it well.
- It's 33 in ET and 13 in ST.
- ET, use OTM puts. If miss, that's OK. can continue to generate. AG, PM, long/short ETFs are OK.
- TNA's puts continue my records in OTM, without a loss so far. Maybe this is my way of doing this.
- First, 33 to 40 in ET. 13 to 15 in ST. Wait and wait some more.
- Don't forget the main trends; don't forget the prudent way to do this (OTM).
- And yes, I need go back to work since there is no sign that I can do this this year, even next year will be too optimistic. It's a long process, but if I can more 33 to 130, then it's a good start this year.
- Wait for better entry price, for long and for short.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Reduced positions and second chance
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