1.always press your winners..., especially when a longer term weekly trend is just starting...
2.yes,thankyou.. lets ride this downward momentum while it is here.. makes up for the slower times when the market is consolidating..
Today 05:18 PMin
3.market will go lower tomorrow, will post XLF intra-day chart in the a.m. as to key levels and a trendline that i will follow tomorrow...
Today 05:11 PMin
4.i always buy ATM options rarely OTM, when they move ITM i will take profits and reposition ATM again. example last week on one position i put on was SPY 83 feb puts.doubled this morning, sold entire postion this morning and took 1/2 the money and bought back-in on the SPY feb 80 puts ATM and bought with the other half of the money SPY mar 80 puts ATM. i will coninue this strategy thru the end of next week as i am trading the downward weekly trend that the XLF confirmed last week that should continue for the next 2 weeks min.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
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