Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Once you're in, it's down

Market was higher today, still wait for the earning news and, my uranium addition of yesterday took a dive today.
  1. URZ was down 5.7% and EMU over 4.5%. Even I bought early yesterday, some positions are under water already.
  2. Once you're in, it stops rising. Volume in URZ was heavy. Let's see what happen next.
  3. RIMM was higher again, pushed to new record and tomorrow it's the "preliminary" earning day, they should be able to spin whatever the number they have, so I think it's a good earning. Let's see how market react to the earning. I'll consider to add put on Thursday, if it shot up again on Thursday morning.
  4. Now I have a balanced portfolio, with short ETFs, uranium stocks, RIMM, CFC and CNB puts, and some cash. I'll adjust later.
  5. I think the market may push higher, but without much energy left. And I expect there are some fire left in URZ and EMU.
  6. Adding CFC puts on any strength is a good idea.
  7. I think by Friday, the market will be more volatile than the last two days. I hope my positions will come out OK by the end of week.


David said...

I appreciate all of your postings! It's great to read what another investor is thinking. Thanks for your efforts!

I believe we are on the verge of a short term worldwide correction in a long term bull market. I'm heavily invested in the QID and DXD, waiting for the pullback. Once the DOW hits 11,600 I'll pile back in.

I'm holding dry powder for energy and PM once the correction is over.

It feels like we are standing at the top of the slide. I'm guessing tomorrow we begin the descent.