Friday, June 20, 2008

Performance this year vs last year

So far, I did great this year. On the other hand, I did very bad last year. Here are some of the lessons:
  1. Last year, I was shorting and the market was up. When the market finally gave up, at that time, I was giving up trading already since I lost big time, specially in one account which I traded options.
  2. This year, I used commodities, GDX, DBA, and later on MOO and KOL to get some profits. Of course, the most profits are from fertilizers, POT,MOS and AGU. I'll continue to focus on these and hope to do well rest of the year.
  3. I added MF again today. Still not big. I think I should limit the size of the position, it can easily go down. And I need to take profit when I have one.