Obama won the election! This proves that in United States, any person can do it! We are the best in the world! As a naturalized citizen, I am proud to be an American!
Back to stock market, I think the rally out of the Obama victory will fade, and we are back to reality in the market soon.
As a result, I sold some covered calls against my MOS and KOL. This is to add downside protection, and if it rise too fast too soon, I will be glad they're called away.
- I sold covered MOS Nov. 45 call and KOL Nov. 21 call today.
- Sold some speculative play in DRYS and ING I picked up last week for very decent gain today, small positions though. Too bad I didn't add big positions, since I was burned too many times recently, in MS,WM and WF.
- I'll consider to sell some OTM puts.
- Short term, we may see a pull back after this rally fades.
- In a few months, I see a range consolidation, before we break one way or the other.
- Long term, we'll find out if the Oct. bottom is the bottom, or just a bottom in a bear market.
I was guessing that market will rally towards election day then sell-off. Looks like other traders had the same thought. 10% sell-off in 2-days. Traders like 10% as a good 'correction' number. Tomorrow might be up temporarily but then I have no idea towards the end of year. Traders like Dow 8000 mark as a floor for double-bottom. Now people start talking Dow 6000, just like talking oil $150, it could well get there. Stock and commodities market are really psychological game. I read some book saying that psychologist has better chance to win the market than financial people.
True. If you know the how most people think, then you have better chance to be a trader.
I think people all think we'll have a bad number tomorrow, so they sell off. I think if the number is not too bad, we'll have a decent rally. I see S&P back to 1000 in Nov. May even test 1070 area. I added DRYS back today, since it's down 20%. I'll trade these stocks now, can't hold for long, seems it always crashes.
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