Thursday, April 16, 2009

Weighted market moves

  1. I will add positions to the opposite of the end of a trend.
  2. I will add more weight to that positions, ideally, double the previously small positions.
  3. Do this three days in a row, then use 2x ETFs, 3xETFs, options(put on the opposite).
  4. By doing this, it will win 100% if I have unlimited resource, and double the size each time.
  5. For me, I have to take an educated guess, and take profit if I have one and let the losers recovery.
  6. The puts on opposite 3x ETFs is a great way to profit, and low risk I may add, since the one correct action may recover 3 times of the costs.
  7. The key is starting small, even using OTM strategy, like right now for me, I am way under the water, and limit my action to add more.
  8. With these trend lines, oscillators, I think can perfect this system and make great comback in the future.
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