Monday, February 19, 2007

Market is closed today

  1. I think this week there are several factors to consider:
  2. It's the first week after option expired in Feb. Also first week after the big gain from last week.
  3. CPI report is Wed. It can add to the momentum to the stock market's 2007 rally, or change it.
  4. BOJ can raise rate, which will trigger some Yen carry trade to unwind. But the impact will be gradual and small, but long lasting if Japan's economy keeps its momentum.
  5. Then the MA activities this week, can it keep the market going again like last few weeks.
  6. Since there are lot of liquidity, it's possible that all financial assets will go higher this year: Gold, Silver, Energy, Stock, Euro, Yen. If that's the case, my QID pick is the lone loser in this environments. Since dollar will be the lone true loser, but stock markets still go higher. I didn't consider this before, so far this year, it's been the case.
  7. I think this week gold can move higher and pass $680. So PM is the focus.
  8. Uranium is really long term play. Keep EMU and URZ, watch FRG.
  9. RIMM may go higher this week, but I think when it gets close to March 3rd, before the option probe and final release of the earnings of the two quarters, I'll be nervous if I'm long. I'll be nervous about my March put as well.